Asheville Monthly Meeting of the Religous Society of Friends

227 Edgewood Road
Asheville NC 28804-3314
(just east of UNC-A campus)

(307) 800-1604

[email protected]

Meeting for Worship Every First Day (Sunday) at 10 a.m.

All are welcome

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Unprogrammed Worship

The Asheville Friends Meeting is an unprogrammed meeting.

Unprogrammed worship is the more traditional style of worship among Friends and remains the norm in Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and parts of the United States and Canada. During an unprogrammed meeting for worship, Friends gather together in "expectant waiting" for divine leadings. Sometimes a meeting is entirely silent, sometimes quite a few people speak. Meeting for Worship generally lasts about an hour. A member will rise and share a message (give "ministry") with the gathered meeting when they feel they are led by the spirit. Typically, messages, testimonies, ministry, or other speech are unprepared, and members are expected by the community to discern the source of their inspiration—whether divine or self. Unprogrammed worship is generally deemed to start as soon as the first participant is seated, the others entering the room in silence. The Meeting for Worship ends when one person (usually predetermined) shakes the hand of his or her neighbor. All the members of the assembly then shake hands with their neighbors, after which one member usually rises and extends greetings and makes announcements. Many meetings serve coffee or tea after meeting, which gives everyone an opportunity to catch up with friends and chat with visitors.

Clerk: Pat J
Asst. Clerk:
Recording Clerk: Barbara B
Asst. Recording Clerk:
Treasurer: Ellen C
Asst. Treasurer:
Meetinghouse Coordinator: Zoe
Archivist: unfilled
Recorder: Barbara E
SAYMA Representative:

Board of Directors (As owners of real property, we are required by law to have a Board of Directors to manage our assets)
David C
Ellen C
Julia D
Pat C
Pat J
Robert L
Satchel L

Meeting for Worship

Meeting for Worship with Attention to Our Business

There is a saying among Friends that we did not abolish the clergy, we abolished the laity. Join us after rise of Meeting for Worship to experience the aspect of Quaker practice that most sets us apart from other religious faiths, as we seek to discern Divine leadings in our work and discover Divine truth for our community.

Sandwich Sunday

Adult Spiritual Enrichment

Midweek Meeting for Worship

Our Midweek Meeting is currently on hiatus.


Asheville Friends Meeting (AFM) is one of the monthly Meetings in Southern Appalachian Yearly Meeting and Association (SAYMA.) One of AFM's members, Barbara, compiled a short history of SAYMA. To read it please click on this link.

To learn more about SAYMA, go to their website,